Jurnal de farmacie


Jurnal de Farmacie

Jurnalul de farmacie vine din dorinta de a face lumina in modul in care privim diversele boli. Avand in spate o serie intreaga de colaborari cu institute de prestigiu dinafara tarii, am decis sa aducem in Romania conceptul de medicina preventiva si integrativa.

Farmacia Sorina

“Sanatatea sta in intestin”spunea Hippocrate.

Suntem 90% genom bacterian. Daca intelegem acest lucru si ca enzimele si bacteriile sunt partenerii nostri cei mai importanti, atunci calea catre 100 de ani este deschisa.

Drumul catre sanatete incepe cu noi.

Ultimele articole

Intoleranța la histamină

Poate pentru unii intoleranța la histamină nu există, dar ea este un fenomen cât se poate de adevărat. Histamina este o moleculă care se sintetizează

Obezitatea și curele de slăbire

Sunt 10 de ani de când profesez ca farmacist. Una dintre problemele cele mai des întâlnite este problema greutății. Ii voi spune problemă, deoarece nu

Despre Blog

Traim intr-o epoca a informatiilor. Cum stim sa alegem informatia corecta pentru sanatatea noastra?

Echipa noastra de profesionisti specializati pe farmacie clinica, homeopata si enzimologie este pregatita sa fie alaturi de dumneavoastra cu cele mai corecte informatii.




Farmacia Sorina
Based on 18 reviews
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Cristian NYC HandymanCristian NYC Handyman
03:16 15 Aug 22
Sorina is the best Pharmacist because she informs you and gives you the best recommendations. Thanks to her, I felt better than ever, considering that I have been to many doctors in the last 5 years and no one has solved my problem. Look, simply because she has so much knowledge and with her desire to help me get well, I reached an exceptional result. Thousands of thanks! Pharmacy prices are also ok.
cristian sccristian sc
16:17 02 Aug 22
Sorina is the Best pharmacist I ever meet. She is so smart, so knowledgeable and really wants to help you to get well. Her health Reccomandations are on point and her customer service is top. She goes above and beyond to help you, she really cares. We need more people like her. The pharmacy has as well a good stock of products at a reasonable price.
12:36 15 Jun 22
I have experienced the best service in pharmacy stores in my life.The girl Sorina is a professional and a qualified specialist who really takes care of people. It’s great to have an option of a consultation before buying.The pharmacy has a lot of needful products. All the employees are very friendly!Thank you for the remarkable service!
05:41 19 Mar 22
The ladies have clarified my medical context more about the medications / vitamins I am taking than any family doctor has clarified so far. 5 out of 5
Mihai Alexandru TuligaMihai Alexandru Tuliga
11:18 18 Nov 20
The best pharmacy around, with helpful staff and good prices

Echipa noastra

Echipa noastra include profesionisti din toate domeniile activitatii farmaceutice.

Farm Silvia Comanescu